Presenter: Bruce Malone of Search for the Truth Ministries Summary: One of the primary reasons we are losing the next generation is that the AWE of God has been trained out of them during their education. This lecture looks at lesser known features of incredible creatures and explains why it is an absolute scientific impossibility […]
Presenter: Bruce Malone of Search for the Truth Ministries Summary: A look at specific Inventions which have changed human history as a direct result of observing creation. God is both the greatest artist and ultimate engineer. Bio: Bruce spent 30 years working as a research leader for the Dow Chemical Corporation, has a degree in […]
Presenter: Bruce Malone of Search for the Truth Ministries Summary: Every area of science seems to be blinded by an assumption of naturalism. Even when the impossibility of evolutionary conclusions is known, these problems with cosmic, geological, genetic, and biological evolution seem to be closely guarded trade secrets within each scientific discipline. This lecture takes […]
Presenter: Bruce Malone of Search for the Truth Ministries Summary: A look at specific Inventions which have changed human history as a direct result of observing creation. God is both the greatest artist and ultimate engineer. Bio: Bruce Malone spent 30 years working as a research leader for the Dow Chemical Corporation, has a degree […]
The Delaware Indians have the most detailed Native American account of origins – extending back to the origin of humanity. This talk examines the astounding similarity of this record to the Biblical account of early earth history - including creation, the entrance of death, the worldwide flood, intriguing references to the post flood ice age, and other details of earth history.