
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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The Illusion of Evolution’s Deep Time Exposed

Stonebridge Christian Fellowship 2700 Jamaica Blvd.,, Lake Havasu City, AZ, United States

1. Does the Bible actually contain a timeline of Earth’s history? Numerous biblical scholars have independently unlocked the historical timeline of Creation to Christ. 2. Does the fossil record speak to us? Completely mineralized fossil remains retain details on a cellular level throughout the entire Geologic column. The admixture of marine and continental fossil remains […]

The Red Record

First Baptist Church of Tempe 4525 South McClintock Drive, Tempe, AZ, United States

The Delaware Indians have the most detailed Native American account of origins – extending back to the origin of humanity. This talk examines the astounding similarity of this record to the biblical account of early earth history - including creation, the entrance of death, the worldwide flood, intriguing references to the post flood ice age, […]

Censored Science and the Bible

The Journey 4700 N. Swan Rd., Tucson, AZ, United States

What are the 50 best evidences for biblical creation? How are evolutionists’ most common objections to creation evidence best refuted? How do schools and scientists use biology, geology, cosmology and other sciences to promote their pervasive evolutionary hype? What are the shocking results when the principles of science are applied to evolutionary beliefs? See how […]

Censored Science and the Bible

Willow Hills Baptist Church 1071 Mogollon Rd, Prescott, AZ, United States

What are the 50 best evidences for biblical creation? How are evolutionists’ most common objections to creation evidence best refuted? How do schools and scientists use biology, geology, cosmology and other sciences to promote their pervasive evolutionary hype? What are the shocking results when the principles of science are applied to evolutionary beliefs? See how […]

Creation and the Great Commission

Black Mountain Baptist Church 33955 North Cave Creek Road, AZ, United States

Our culture is rapidly rejecting the Bible as truth and Christianity as relevant. So how do we bring the reality and truth of Christianity to a generation which is systematically trained that they cannot believe what God's Word has to say about anything dealing with the physical world around us? This sermon looks at what […]

You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!

First Baptist Church of Benson 983 S. Ocotillo Ave, Benson, United States

This fascinating presentation discusses the physical changes that must occur in the circulatory system for a baby to make the transition from life in the womb to the outside world. Many of the contributing factors that stimulate these changes are also given, demonstrating the irreducible complexity of the mammalian system of giving birth. A medical […]

Media Madness

Palmcroft Baptist Church - Phoenix 15825 North 35th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

The primary “pulpit” forming public opinion today is the cinema. This talk blends video clips from movies into montages showing how pervasive and widespread this subtle form of indoctrination has become. Segments on dinosaurs, millions-of-years, alien-DNA-forming-life-on-earth, children’s films, evolution mechanisms, ape-man and other topics are examined; followed by an examination of the evidence supporting a […]

Censored Science and the Bible

Payson Public Library 328 N Mc Lane Road, Payson, AZ, United States

This talk is an overview of the strongest evidence for biblical creation from geology, biology, and astronomy. Explaining how science operates and moving on to visual and unforgettable examples from each area of science, listeners are shown how evolution is a scientific impossibility while creation is the universal reality. SPEAKER: Bruce Malone BIOGRAPHY: Bruce Malone […]

From Darwin to Dictatorship

Calvary Baptist Church 1605 McCulloch Blvd, Lake Havasu City, AZ, United States

This hard-hitting presentation is born from Dr. Kezele's personal experiences in Eastern Europe and opens with the “Laying the Foundation” for evolution that Ernst Häckel laid down in Germany and in Europe as a whole. It then reviews how this foundation was used to promote racism and how the Nazis took advantage of that foundation. […]

Astronomy for the Creationist

First Baptist Church of Benson 983 S. Ocotillo Ave, Benson, United States

Fascinating features of the Moon, Sun, and solar eclipses and why solar eclipses have given us the opportunity to learn so much about the universe start off this presentation. We then explore interesting facts about the other planets and their moons and comets that demonstrate the solar system is young. The significance of spiral arms […]