
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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Biomimetics Means God Invented It First

The Journey 4700 N. Swan Rd., Tucson, AZ, United States

What are some biological designs most successfully mimicked by mankind? What creature in nature inspired the now common LED’s? Why are bug eyes and shrimp eyes so important to us? What special applications do engineers see in cuttlefish?  See how and why new discoveries are confounding so many evolutionists and scientists around the world. Bring […]

Biomimetics Means God Invented It First

Willow Hills Baptist Church 1071 Mogollon Rd, Prescott, AZ, United States

This presentation expounds on the field of biomimicry where engineers and scientists look to the world of biology to see if certain designs and engineering solutions already exist and may be copied rather than having to figure out an engineering solution from scratch. We find that man is not the great inventor and innovator that […]

Biomimetics Means – God Invented It First

Stonebridge Christian Fellowship 2700 Jamaica Blvd., , Lake Havasu City,, AZ, United States

This presentation expounds on the field of biomimicry, where engineers and scientists look to the world of biology to see if certain designs and engineering solutions already exist and may be copied rather than having to figure out an engineering solution from scratch.  We find that man is not the great inventor and innovator that […]

Is There a Monkey in Your Family Tree?

Payson Public Library 328 N Mc Lane Road, Payson, AZ, United States

Synopsis:  This presentation examines and powerfully refutes the so-called “evidence” that man evolved from an ape-like ancestor. Discover how every one of mankind's alleged ancestors has been proven to be a mistake or a fraud or completely human with no connection to any primate! Presenter: Dr. Thomas Kindell Dr. Kindell's Bio: Dr. Kindell is the founder and […]

The Remarkable Record of Job

The Journey 4700 N. Swan Rd., Tucson, AZ, United States

What really were Behemoth and Leviathan? What does the book of Job teach us about creation? How does Job apply in today’s view of origin science? How can we reconcile a good and loving God with the natural and human evil highlighted by evolutionism? See how and why new discoveries are confounding so many evolutionists […]

Is the Biblical Creation Account Compatible with Science?

Palmcroft Baptist Church - Phoenix 15825 North 35th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Was heaven, earth and man really created in six literal days? Is there a gap of in the Genesis account which can accommodate millions of years of evolution?  See why you do not need a PhD in Hebrew to understand the creation account. Learn why the Gap Theory is not compatible with scripture. Find out […]

Is the Biblical Creation Account Compatible with Science?

First Baptist Church of Tempe 4525 South McClintock Drive, Tempe, AZ, United States

Was heaven, earth and man really created in six literal days? Is there a gap of in the Genesis account which can accommodate millions of years of evolution?  See why you do not need a PhD in Hebrew to understand the creation account. Learn why the Gap Theory is not compatible with scripture. Find out […]

The Tower of Babel and Ancient Man

Stonebridge Christian Fellowship 2700 Jamaica Blvd, Lake Havasu City, AZ, United States

This presentation looks at evidences of ancient man's intelligence and abilities as revealed by historical documentation and recovered artifacts, in the context of a global population dispersion as recorded in Genesis 10. A look at mankind's 'supposed' primate ancestors reveals the falsehoods associated with evolutionary development.   SPEAKER: Michael Calcagno BIOGRAPHY: B.S. Portland State University

Sea Turtles and Desert Tortoises

Payson Public Library 328 N Mc Lane Road, Payson, AZ, United States

What’s the difference between turtles and tortoises? Did sea turtles and tortoises diverge from a common ancestor or were they created for their environments? How do these amazing “dinosaur relics” accurately navigate great distances and live such long life spans? Learn about Hawaiian green sea turtles and desert tortoises and interact with two tortoises, take […]

Science Falsely So Called

Palmcroft Baptist Church - Phoenix 15825 North 35th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Evolution is the de facto standard explanation for the world’s description of the origin of the universe and life. We are also told that it is the foundation of all science, and that Creationist thinking is going to destroy science if not suppressed. Yet, what has evolutionary thinking really done for science and the advancement […]