The Social Justice Movement, CRT and the Bible
Arizona Christian University 1 W Firestorm Way, Glendale, AZ, United StatesPresenter: Mike Riddle
Presenter: Mike Riddle
Presenter: Mike Riddle
Why the search for extraterrestrial life? Creation and time. What people are believing. NASA. Hollywood. Area 51: aliens or secret aircraft? Science and logic. The Bible, creati[...]
Presenter: Mike Riddle
How are UFOs, UAPs, and space aliens Biblical? [...]
How do you fit dinosaurs into the Bible?
We should not let the age of the earth divide us. We should join together in unity and fight against evolution.
Should Christians push to have creation taught in public schools?
Presenter: Mike Riddle
This powerful presentation will examine such topics as:
Why the search for extraterrestrial life?
Creation and time
What people are believing
Presenter: Mike Riddle
Presenter: Mike Riddle
A review of the structure and synthesis of DNA and Proteins demonstrates how they could not have arisen spontaneously and had to be created simultaneously, thus answering the question, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?” Finishes with a discussion on information and demonstrates how DNA is the most advanced information storage system known […]
Presenter: Dr. Joseph Kezele
Presenter: Jim Clarke
Presenter: Jay Seegert
Fairly often secular scientists discover things that are very confusing to them and hard to make sense of, particularly given their naturalistic worldview. However, the Bible e[...]
Presenter: Jay Seegert
Certain aspects of evolution occasionally seem fairly plausible. It doesn’t take much imagination to envision fish slowly turning into amphibians, with their fins gradually bein[...]