
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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Are Dinosaur Proteins Immortal?

Palmcroft Baptist Church - Phoenix 15825 North 35th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Fragments of several proteins have been extracted from different dinosaur fossils. Evolutionists have proposed various mechanisms to explain how these proteins could survive for millions of years in a buried […]

A Creationist Perspective of Genetics

First Baptist Church of Tempe 4525 South McClintock Drive, Tempe, AZ, United States

The basic teachings of contemporary evolution were developed long before anything was understood about genetics. Thus, early investigators, such as Darwin, understood little of genetics and inheritance, but contemporary researchers […]

A Clash of Two Worldviews: Creation vs Evolution

The Journey 4700 N. Swan Rd., Tucson, AZ, United States

What do evolutionist teachers really teach? How does a priest of evolutionism biology teacher become a creation scientist? What do proselytizers of evolution believe that holds them in their faith […]

Physical Geology of Planet Earth Negates Evolution’s Deep Time

Liberty Baptist Church 3100 N Williamson Valley Rd, Prescott, AZ, United States

Multitudes have been assured for 200 years that the sedimentary rock layers covering the continents required tens of millions of years for each distinct layer to be deposited. Get ready […]

The 3rd Dirty Little Secret of Evolution

Payson Public Library 328 N Mc Lane Road, Payson, AZ, United States

More than 150 years ago Darwin first suggested that life might have spontaneously arisen in “some warm little pond”. Almost every week evolutionists claim that Mars or some other distant […]

It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist to Know There’s an Infinitely Intelligent Designer

Havasu Christian Alliance Church 510 Acoma Blvd N, Lake Havasu City, AZ

Nature (Creation) is filled with countless design examples of integrated and irreducible complexity which showcase the obvious and logical deduction that there must be a Creator. Evolutionary explanations for the development of these designs (apart from an intelligent information source, or designer) are completely devoid of a rational logical scientific basis.

SPEAKER: Joe Sebeny

Consciousness: Accidental, Automatic, or Designed?

Palmcroft Baptist Church - Phoenix 15825 North 35th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Kenneth R. Miller's 2018 book, The Human Instinct, declares that human consciousness resulted from evolutionary brain growth. Miller and other authors say consciousness emerges naturally from the billions of interconnections of brain cells. The evolutionists' claims boast rhetoric but not scientific reality.

SPEAKER: Richard Stevens, J.D.

The Three Laws of Robotics Support the Moral Law Argument for God

First Baptist Church of Tempe 4525 South McClintock Drive, Tempe, AZ, United States

An often-used argument for God’s existence is the “moral law argument.” Insights from software technology, including Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics, strengthen that argument in the 21st Century world.

SPEAKER: Richard Stevens, J.D.

Consciousness: Accidental, Automatic, or Designed?

The Journey 4700 N. Swan Rd., Tucson, AZ, United States

Did human consciousness evolve from inert matter? Does consciousness simply arise from billions of interconnected brain cells? How do evolutionists explain human consciousness, reason and free will? Are humans basically moist robots? Can we demonstrate why consciousness must be intelligently designed? See how and why new discoveries are confounding so many evolutionists and scientists around the world. Bring the family, get the facts from an expert!

Consciousness: Accidental, Automatic, or Designed

Payson Public Library 328 N Mc Lane Road, Payson, AZ, United States

Evolutionists claim that human consciousness resulted from evolutionary brain growth. Kenneth Miller and other authors say consciousness emerges naturally from the billions of interconnections of brain cells. The evolutionists' claims boast rhetoric but not scientific reality. In this presentation Richard Stevens will give powerful evidence that the most logical and sensible understanding of the human conscious is from a Biblical perspective and how an evolutionary view does not.

SPEAKER: Richard Stevens