
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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Four Power Questions to Ask an Evolutionist

First Baptist Church of Tempe 4525 South McClintock Drive, Tempe, AZ, United States

Four foundational questions are presented and examined which establish why evolution cannot be defended scientifically and must rely on faith. The seminar shows how the layperson can successfully witness to an evolutionist.

Biology, Genetics and the Bible

The Journey 4700 N. Swan Rd., Tucson, AZ, United States

What are the differences in human and ape DNA?

How complex is human DNA compared to other animals

What makes the human body so especially incredible?

How did life originate?

What mechanisms cause DNA to change or mutate?

See how and why new discoveries are confounding so many evolutionists and scientists around the world.

Bring the family, get the facts from an expert!

Advanced Creation Apologetics

Black Mountain Baptist Church 33955 North Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek, AZ, United States

Course Format: Lecture, class participation, and exercises

Target Audience: High school and above

Course Length: 1 day (8:30 – 5:30)

Course Cost: $45 for adults, $25 for teens (includes manual, lunch and snacks)

Critical Thinking Skills That Disarm Evolutionists

Liberty Baptist Church 3100 N Williamson Valley Rd, Prescott, AZ, United States

The critical thinking method; Three critical thinking questions; A power question; Words have meaning: fuzzy words and magic words, Red-flag words; Why the fossil record refutes evolutionism, If evolution is true what should we observe?

Critical Thinking Skills That Disarm Evolutionists

Palmcroft Baptist Church - Phoenix 15825 North 35th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

The critical thinking method, Three critical thinking questions, A power question, Words have meaning: fuzzy words and magic words, Red-flag words, Why the fossil record refutes evolutionism, If evolution is true what should we observe?

The Bible, Geology, and Time

Payson Public Library 328 N Mc Lane Road, Payson, AZ, United States

This powerful presentation will examine such topics as: The Gospel and time How do scientists use geology to determine time? Fossils and Time - 3 Critical Problems Dinosaurs and time […]

Preparing Youth for the Battlefield

This is a strong motivational talk. It centers around the church’s situation, mission, and execution of this mission.

• Why are so many youth leaving the church (6 independent studies)?
• The Atheist Indoctrination Project
• How the world is out-educating the church
• Our mission (Matthew 28:19-20)
• The full context of the Gospel
• The importance of the first three chapters
• The plan of action
• The Big Six (what youth must be taught)

Grand Canyon – The Whole Truth

First Baptist Church of Benson 983 S. Ocotillo Ave, Benson, United States

Contrasts the worldviews that accompany young-earth and old-earth models of what is observed and what is thought to have occurred at the Grand Canyon. The geological and fossil evidence are examined to see which model fits best. Events at Mount St. Helens are reviewed to demonstrate rapid canyon formation.

Mount St Helens – Portrait of a Catastrophe

Calvary Community Church - Room C209 12612 N Black Canyon Hwy, Phoenix, AZ, United States

What have geologists discovered from the devastating eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980? How does their fascinating research support a Creation Model of origins? Can we have confidence in the Bible?

Physical Geology of Planet Earth Negates Evolution’s Deep Time

First Baptist Church of Tempe 4525 South McClintock Drive, Tempe, AZ, United States

Multitudes have been assured for 200 years that the sedimentary rock layers covering the continents required tens of millions of years for each distinct layer to be deposited. Get ready […]