Evolution is the de facto standard explanation for the world’s description of the origin of the universe and life. We are also told that it is the foundation of all science, and that Creationist thinking is going to destroy science if not suppressed. Yet, what has evolutionary thinking really done for science and the advancement of knowledge? This talk will expose many of the harms that have been done to science, education and the world as a result of evolutionary thinking, and how science has been hijacked by prideful man to further his immoral agenda and remove the consciousness of God from society.
Speaker: Norm Crawford, B.S. Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern California, M.S. Aerospace Engineering/Orbital Mechanics, University of Southern California.
Norm Crawford has been studying and speaking on origin questions for twenty years. He has worked in a practical engineering environment in the areas of thermodynamics and systems modeling since graduating from U.S.C. with B.S. M.S. Degrees in Engineering. Mr. Crawford is currently a Senior Principal Engineer for a major aerospace company, and a regular speaker for AzOSA. It is his heart that all would see the "simplicity that is in Christ" (2 Cor 11:3) and devote ourselves to His Word in all things; especially science.