The primary “pulpit” forming public opinion today is the cinema. This talk blends video clips from movies into montages showing how pervasive and widespread this subtle form of indoctrination has become. Segments on dinosaurs, millions-of-years, alien-DNA-forming-life-on-earth, children’s films, evolution mechanisms, ape-man and other topics are examined; followed by an examination of the evidence supporting a Biblical viewpoint.
SPEAKER: Bruce Malone of Search for the Truth Ministry
BIO: Bruce spent 30 years working as a research leader for the Dow Chemical Corporation, has a degree chemical engineering, and is responsible for key innovations which have resulted in 18 patents. But his passion is sharing the relevance and evidence for creation, so he retired early to become full time Director of Search for the Truth Ministries. Bruce and his team make yearly mission trips to various nations in the south Pacific region, reaching thousands of school children each year.