If you ever read secular science articles on the Coconino Formation, you will read that sand was blown in from north of Arizona, building up a layer that reaches 1000 feet in thickness near Pine, AZ. In Sedona, AZ the Coconino Formation is about 600 feet. Evidence for the aeolian (wind) deposition presented by naturalists has been found to be false. Guy will show why the naturalists’ explanation is false and outline several lines of evidence that show the Coconino was deposited in water in a few hours to days during Noah’s Flood.
SPEAKER: Guy Forsythe
BIO: Guy Forsythe was a high school technology teacher in Ohio from 1973 to 2003. Upon retirement from teaching, Guy and his wife, Cindy, asked God how they could be used of Him. God told them to move to Sedona, AZ. In August of 2004, Guy and Cindy started a creation science newsletter, Creation News Update. Every three months they mail newsletters to the 11,000 homes in Sedona. Guy also does speaking engagements on creation science. In 2010, Guy discovered geology features in the Coconino Formation in Sedona, resulting in Guy becoming part of a research team that has published several papers on the Coconino Formation.