Did wind create the great sandstone layer?
How can the Coconino sandstone formation be both one of the most powerful arguments for and against Noah’s Flood?
Why are both dinosaur and mammal tracks found in the great Coconino sandstone layer?
How big is the Coconino sandstone formation and how much time did it take to form?
What evidence is there for wind-blown sand dunes filled with animal tracks in the Coconino sandstone formation?
See how and why new discoveries are astonishing so many evolutionists and scientists around the world.
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SPEAKER: Guy Forsythe
BIO: Guy Forsythe, retired High School Technology Teacher, who over the last +30 years, has been studying, teaching & speaking nationwide on creation science, countering evolutionary thinking with Biblical truths and realities. In 2004, he began Crying Rocks Ministry and publishes a highly informative, state of the art, quarterly, Creation News Update (cryingrocks.org) mailed to 11,000+ homes.