Four foundational questions are presented and examined which establish why evolution cannot be defended scientifically and must rely on faith. The seminar shows how the layperson can successfully witness to an evolutionist.
1. Where did the matter come from to create the universe?
2. How did life originate?
3. Where are the transitional fossils?
4. Where did the dinosaurs come from?
SPEAKER: Mike Riddle, M.S. Mathematics, M.A., Education
BIO: Mike is the founder and president of Creation Training Initiative. He is an international speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education. He has been involved in creation apologetics for over 35 years. Mike has spoken at NASA, many secular and Christian universities, churches around the world, state home school conventions and secular and Christian schools. Prior to being involved in creation ministry Mike was a Captain in the USMC and a nation champion in track and field.