How much dinosaur soft tissues are found!?
Are dinosaur bones relatively young & how old are they really?
Why do scientists see dinosaur soft tissues & intact proteins as indisputable facts?
What do 50+ peer reviewed science journals say about it?
What are evolutionist’s excuses as to why this does not prove that the bones are only thousands of years old?
See current, exciting research presented in an easy-to-understand format and how historical mysteries confirm key biblical events that will strengthen your faith!
See how and why new discoveries are confounding so many evolutionists and scientists around the world.
Bring the family, get the facts from an expert!
LOCATION: Christ’s Church of Tucson, 2727 S. Langley Ave. (Church with a steeple 1 block South of Golf Links & the El Rio Center, 1 block West of Kolb & 1 block East of Mann-Regulo).
There’s lots of room for responsible distancing, masks are recommended.
SPEAKER: Dr. Thomas Kindell
BIO: Dr. Thomas Kindell is the founder, president of Reasons for Faith Ministries, a non-profit ministry dedicated to equipping Christian believers to “give every man an answer” for their Biblical faith. An ordained minister with Calvary Chapel, he speaks on the scientific case for creation.