How does “Science” prove the Bible wrong?
If scientists have proven the Bible wrong, why do people believe it?
Can the Creation story be true if distant starlight proves earth and universe are billions of years old?
If God killed men, women and children, then is God evil?
What about the many other religions that claim to be true?
See how and why new discoveries are confounding so many evolutionists and scientists around the world.
Bring the family, get the facts from an expert!
SPEAKER: Mike Riddle
BIO: Mike Riddle, BS Mathematics, MS Mathematics, M.Ed., President of Creation Training Initiative, an Answers in Genesis (AiG) Creation Tour speaker, author of many education materials, taught Creation Science at Northwest Graduate School of the Ministry, and the Institute for Creation Research Grad School, was President of Christian Training & Development Services, is a US Marines captain, and educates Christians and teaches Biblical truths through exciting presentations.