This powerful presentation will examine such topics as:
Why the search for extraterrestrial life?
Creation and time
What people are believing
NASA & Hollywood
Area 51: aliens or secret aircraft
Science and logic
The Bible, creation and salvation
The great deceiver
And end with Four conclusions
Presenter: Mike Riddle
Bio: Mike is the founder and president of Creation Training Initiative. He is an international speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education. He has been involved in creation apologetics for over 35 years. Mike has spoken at NASA, many secular and Christian universities, churches around the world, state homeschool conventions and secular and Christian schools. Prior to being involved in creation ministry Mike was a Captain in the USMC and a national champion in track and field. Mike’s experience in the education field includes:
B.S. Mathematics, M.A. Education, Teacher in junior and senior high school, -Adjunct professor Northwest Graduate School of the Ministry, Instructor at the Institute for Creation Research Graduate School, Speaker and author for Answers in Genesis, Director/instructor U.S. Sprint’s worldwide engineer and technical training, Director/instructor Microsoft’s engineer training, Instructor for the United States Marine Corps, Developed and taught teacher training and communication skills courses worldwide.