Presenter: Jim Clarke, B.S. Geology, M.S.E Geological Engineering
Jim Clarke received his BS in Geology from Northern Arizona University and MSE in Geological Engineering at Arizona State University. He was taught the secular old-earth time frame at those institutions. As a Christian, he gained a full biblical understanding when confronted with the question: How can the geological record, interpreted as millions of years of death, disease and suffering be reconciled with the God of the Bible saying six times in Genesis Chapter One that everything was good or very good? In other words, death either came before sin, in the old-earth interpretation, or death came after sin, when Adam and Eve disobeyed in the Garden of Eden, in the young-earth history given in Genesis. Jim emphasizes this question whenever he presents. He is the Resident Geologist for AzOSA. He also is working for a company that does remediation of hazardous materials sites around Arizona. Jim has a variety of geological presentations that include these biblical principles.