
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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AzOSA August Interview Story (Guy Forsythe)

August 4, 2023

Guy Forsythe has been presenting lectures at AzOSA for several years now. He works to produce his own newsletter in Sedona and doesn’t have any intention of stopping anytime soon. He continues to passionately and excellently teach on hard-hitting topics involving the fallacies of evolution, the truth about cosmology, and the biblical beauty in geology.

In 8th grade, Forsythe decided he wanted to start pursuing a career path in electrical engineering. However, after jumping through all the hoops to finally get the job, after about three weeks, he realized he hated it. So rather than have a job he didn’t like in the field, Forsythe did realize he had the qualifications to teach the field to others. This led him to a long career as a high school technology teacher.

Forsythe did not grow up in a religious home, though he does remember his family going to church occasionally on Christmas or Easter. He thinks that by the time he was 28, he had gone to church a grand total of 20 times. Forsythe eventually married a Christian woman and began to go to church more regularly. In 1979, Forsythe recalls one occasion which captivated him completely when he heard a sermon on the book of Romans. Forsythe was exceptionally curious about how important and detailed each word was to not only the message of the verse but on the much larger scale of the biblical framework. Not long after that sermon, Forsythe sat down to read through the book of Romans more, and by chapter 3 he had concluded that he was a sinner and needed Christ as his Savior.

Forsythe continued working as a teacher, but he became increasingly infatuated with the Creation argument of the Bible. He began to read many different books on the raw science behind a Creationist argument, as well as key historical pieces of evidence prevalent with Noah’s Flood. After decades of teaching (and his last year being his best), Forsythe decided to retire from his career and got more involved with Christian ministry. He volunteered at a Christian coffee shop, did type setting work for the Creation Matters Newsletter by the Creation Research Society, went on to help publish several books on Creationism, started his own Newsletter in Sedona, and of course, eventually became a speaker for AzOSA.

Forsythe heard through the grapevine about an AzOSA lecture in Phoenix, and since he was always interested in learning more about Creation he decided to attend. While he was there, he met Dr. Joseph Kezele and mentioned Forsythe’s experience in Newsletter writing, technology teaching, and his passion for learning about Creation. Kezele later reached out to Forsythe about giving presentations at AzOSA, to which Forsythe gleefully agreed.

Forsythe never gets tired of the teaching world, to lead even one person in the audience on a journey of newfound fascination and understanding to that eye-catching moment where Forsythe can see in the audience that everything clicks. Forsythe is very passionate about teaching and equipping others with the tools and confidence to defend their Christian faith. He’s especially enthusiastic about how in the early 2000s most Christians couldn’t argue with the new discoveries made in science, even if they were steeped in evolutionary thinking. However, now most of these theories or the interpretation of new discoveries have been debunked by further testing and research. In Forsythe’s mind, Christians used to always be put on the defensive when faced with scientific facts but now real and proven science is more in favor of Christianity than ever before, meaning Christians have the opportunity to go on the offensive when arguing science now.

Forsythe has no intention of ever stopping in doing the things God has equipped him to do, and speaks highly of the Bible being the most logical and faith-inspiring book to ever be written. He states that each Christian has a responsibility to not only equip himself or herself to properly defend his or her faith, but to equip others as well. Forsythe’s favorite verse that he lives by is 2 Timothy 2:13 “If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself,” Forsythe says it reminds him that God is always pushing him forward in their walk together.