August: More Than Mere Microbursts of AzOSA News!
Lots of things to see: new ministry opportunity, strong presentations, resources for Bible study groups, street witnessing academy. Don’t forget to friend us at Facebook, too.
In this newsletter:
● Rare Opportunities to Pose Your Toughest Questions – See Below
● AZOSA on FaceBook – Friend Us and Let Everyone Know!
● Advance Notice – Training and Experience in Street Witnessing to Youth – Scroll Down
Pima County Events
► Aug 23 – 7:00 PM – Tucson: Creation by Intelligent Design. The first 4 days of the Creation week established the Universe and the Earthly habitat for plants, animals, and ultimately mankind, which were created on days 5 and 6. Scientific laws, theories and observations support the creation model described in Genesis. Del Dobberpuhl, MS in Physics, connects the dots with precision and power. A must-see for anyone wanting the solid support for the astounding first words of the Bible. Mr. Dobberpuhl’s book, The First Four Days, will be for sale at the AzOSA meetings. His book is reviewed in the Resources section of the AzOSA website. Click HERE to read the review.
Click for more details about all presentations at the Pima County Events Page.
Maricopa County Events
► Aug 5 – 9:30 AM – Scottsdale: Open Forum Questions and Answers. Ask Jim Clarke, AzOSA’s Geologist, about whatever is bugging you about the Evolution-Creation controversy. This event promises insights and excitement as the discussion is no-holds-barred. Was there a Flood? Did Noah bring spiders on the Ark? Doesn’t the Grand Canyon prove evolution is true? (Ask one of these questions, you’ll get Jim started!) Bring your questions big and small.
► Aug 5 – 6:30 PM – Cave Creek: Only One Race. Racism, inherent in evolutionary thinking, has resulted in widespread misery and destruction of life. Sandy Flint, BS, Biology, sheds light on the lack of scientific bases for racism or human evolution. Ms. Flint conveys the biblical truth about the existence of only one race, the Human race, and about what really constitutes a “mixed” marriage.
► Aug 12 – 6:30 PM – Cave Creek: Scripture and Carbon-14 Say the Earth Is Young! Hear Dr. Kezele present what Genesis and the New Testament have to say about the age of the Earth — and — see how Carbon-14 in diamonds and coal support the Genesis account by demonstrating a young Earth in real experiments. Your diamond ring may be an unexpected conversation starter!
►Aug 19 – 6:30 PM – Cave Creek: Open Session – Gold Standard Q and A on Creation Science. Ask Dr. Kezele about anything you want to know in the field of Creation Science. We mean it – anything. Is the Universe young or old? Isn’t evolution a proved fact? The Garden of Eden didn’t really exist, did it? Aren’t Christians losing credibility by challenging evolution? How can we assure our kids don’t lose their faith when challenged by science in college?
► Aug 20 – 7:00 PM – Phoenix: Creation by Intelligent Design. The first 4 days of the Creation week established the Universe and the Earthly habitat for plants, animals, and ultimately mankind, which were created on days 5 and 6. Scientific laws, theories and observations support the creation model described in Genesis. Del Dobberpuhl, MS in Physics, connects the dots with precision and power. A must-see for anyone wanting the solid support for the astounding first words of the Bible. Mr. Dobberpuhl’s book, The First Four Days, will be for sale at the AzOSA meetings. His book is reviewed in the Resources section of the AzOSA website. Click HERE to read the review.
► Aug 21 – 7:00 PM – Tempe: Creation by Intelligent Design. Del Dobberpuhl repeats the above presentation at this central location. Don’t miss it.
Click for more details about all presentations at the Maricopa County Events Page.
Yavapai County Event: Summer Seminar
Aug 11 – 9:00 AM – Noon in Prescott. Get it all in one powerful Saturday morning. Click here for Yavapai County Events information.
► What the Fossils Tell Us. Did you know? Charles Lyell’s advice in his famous book “Geology” was: ignore what can be seen and impose your imagination on what cannot be seen. Naturalists followed the advice for more than a century. But some of the things we do see are fossils – and the fossils are a strong indication that the sediments were deposited very rapidly (not slowly). Guy Forsythe – Crying Rocks Ministries presents the facts showing how fossils point to Noah’s Flood.
►Why the Earth Is Young! Dr. Kezele presents the Scriptural information regarding the meaning of the word “day” in Genesis Chapter 1, the significance of the global Genesis Flood regarding the age of the Earth, and the consequences of compromising Scripture just to accommodate the theory of long ages. Discover little known facts with huge significance, such as: Carbon-14 is found in coal and diamonds, the Earth’s magnetic field is decaying, and likewise the human genome is also decaying.
►What the Strata Tell Us. Some creationists shy away from studying the geological strata, perhaps concerned that the strata might tend to disprove Biblical history. Yet the real issue may actually depend upon the interpretation of how the strata were deposited. Guy Forsythe – Crying Rocks Ministries, shows strong evidence that the deposition and erosion of the strata has occurred very rapidly and very recently. No surpise: the naturalists ignore this data because they cannot explain it. We can.
Click here for Yavapai County Events information.
Friend AzOSA on Facebook – Join the Conversation
People are talking on Facebook — so are AzOSA people. Post your thoughts and Friend us. Check us out. AZOSA on FaceBook. Post your thoughts and Friend us. Social media has become a dynamic, powerful way for like-minded people to gather and get the message out to others, too. Post your thoughts and Friend us at AZOSA on FaceBook.
Best – Maybe Only – Chance to Learn Street Witnessing to Youth
Bill Morgan, engineer and street witnessing veteran, will teach and lead a group to peacefully and effectively raise young people’s awareness of creation science and the intelligent design by our Creator. The outreaches will take place in September 17-20, at high schools, at Arizona Christian University, and in Tucson (dates to be finalized). For more information, contact Dr. Joseph Kezele at Dr. Kezele’s contact portal.
Manage Your Time Wisely – Invest a Few Hours to Change Hearts and Minds
It just takes a few hours a month to move mountains of reason and faith. Quite seriously. Reports show origin science is changing hearts and minds daily. It’s time for the atheist, Darwin-driven worldview to move over because the intellectual landscape is changing. Are you one of the saints who can joyously report you are part of the victory? Can your skills add energy to our mission? This may well be your time to join the team in one of these four areas:
► East side Assistant Book Master – a few hours per month helps advance this vital, ongoing, long-term educational initiative. Contact Dr. Joseph Kezele at Dr. Kezele’s contact portal.
► Marketing Consultant – help leadership team develop ideas and strategies for expanding AzOSA membership and influence in target areas. Contact Dr. Joseph Kezele at Dr. Kezele’s contact portal.
► Church Survey Assistant – using simple direct mail techniques, help this ongoing original research project obtain and organize data to understand origin science’s challenges in some churches and how to overcome them. Contact Dr. Joseph Kezele at Dr. Kezele’s contact portal.
► Media Coordinator – Step into the role with the information and many materials already in place for you to use. Feed AzOSA’s information to print and broadcast media. All you need is computer skills and the desire to transmit the potentially life-changing information about AzOSA to the media outlets. Tired of hearing the media bash our faith and our science? This is the opportunity for you! Contact Dr. Joseph Kezele at Dr. Kezele’s contact portal.
► Bookstore Assistant – Straightforward but vital to our mission. Help maintain the stock for the AzOSA stores, using the systems already in place. AzOSA can thrive only by delivering the materials people need to make the scientific case for Creation. You can directly contribute to everyone’s success. Contact Dr. Kezele at Dr. Kezele’s contact portal or Vern Hartz ( This e-mail address is being protected from Internet risks, so need JavaScript enabled to view it; or phone 520-721-8278 for more information.
Small Group Study or Homeschooling – Problems Solved!
Click right now and see these top-quality resources you can use for homeschooling, bolstering your own understanding, sharing with others, and using in small group studies. (Click here for our great resources —- and click here for more!)
Bookmark and Check AzOSA Website for the Latest News and Events
New items, more opportunities, AzOSA is on the move. Click here to view our dedicated events page. Don’t wait for a monthly newsletter to stay informed. Visit every week. It’s safe and sane for the Fourth. Tell a Friend. Remind another.