These are instructions for submitting an article and adding publishing and metadata information (used by search engines). Please don’t be intimidated by the length of the instructions I tried to be detailed enough that no one gets lost. Even if errors are made they are easy to correct so do your best.
- Click the Submit New Article link from the Edit drop-down menu
- Enter Article title in Title field.
- Enter article text. Text should be unformatted. For best results compose the article in the software of your choice. Copy and paste the article into a text editor such as notepad to remove formatting and hidden special characters.
- Copy and paste the article into the main article text area.
- Where needed change font style to Bold, italic or underline by highlighting the appropriate text and selecting the desired font style at the top of the text editing area.
- Format any special text such as sub-headings using the “Format” dropdown at the top of the text editing area. Samples of each formati
ng style are included below. The default is paragraph.
- To include an image click Image under the text editing area.
- You may upload an image from your computer (sometimes this doesn’t seem to work correctly) or select an image already included on the site. Set the alignment. This will allow the image to appear inline with the text. Choose whether you want the image on the left or the right of your text. Enter a description of the image (for search engines and visitors unable to see the image).
- For long articles you may specify a pagebreak location.
- The Read More button is to specify where an article should be truncated when displaying only the intro text. If the article is displayed on a page with a list of other articles, the intro text may be displayed rather than the entire article. Generally the “Read More” designation is placed after the first 4-5 lines of text.
Formatting Style samples
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Entering Publishing and Metadata Information
- Select the approriate Section and Category for the article (i.e. for a new book review select Section: Resources and Category: Reviews)
- Published should be set to “Yes” unless the article is not ready for publication.
- “Show on Front Page” should be set to “No” unless article is to display on the Home Page.
- You may dsignate a beginning and ending date for articles that should only display during a certain period
- Access Level should be set to Public.
- The Meta Data information is used by Search Engines to better determine what is on the page. Good use of Metadata can improve the ranking of the entire website.
- Metadata description should include a few sentences summarizing or describing the article. Some Search Engines display the description on their results page.
- Enter a few specific keywords or phrases (i.e. intelligent design) applicable to the article. Each keyword or phrase should be seperated by a comma. These should be key words one might enter into a search engine if they are searching for information contained in your article.
- The article is now ready to be submitted. Don’t worry of there are errors. in the publishing and Meta data information. Everything is as easy to edit and correct as it is to submit in the first place.