What scientific clocks show that Earth is young?
Is it OK to believe that the Earth is billions of years old?
What’s gravity have to do with the age of the universe, solar system, and earth?
What do rivers, oceans, erosion, petrification, dinosaur DNA, Carbon-14 dating, comets, stalactites, stalagmites, glacier ice layers, Helium, the atmosphere, the moon, and many other dating processes tell us about earth’s age?
What are the scientific time clocks that tell us about the age of the earth?
See some of the many hundreds of scientific clocks that show earth to be young!
Get the inside story about how to speak effectively to evolutionists about creation and alternative ways to view the science of origins!
See easy-to-understand, current, exciting research, why new discoveries are confounding evolutionists and scientists around the world, and how historical mysteries confirm key biblical events that will strengthen your faith!
Bring the family, get the facts from an expert!
Come early for the snack party and meet Dr. Thomas Kindell starting at 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM!
Presenter: Dr. Thomas Kindell
Dr. Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries, Inc., a non-profit ministry dedicated to equipping Christian believers to “give every man an answer” for their Biblical faith. He is an ordained minister with the Calvary Chapel of Weston, TX. For over 35 years he has engaged in a traveling teaching ministry lecturing on Biblical apologetics and the scientific case for creation. He has also successfully debated the scientific case for creation against notable evolutionists on high school and college campuses, radio, and television. Dr. Kindell is a frequent guest on the radio series “Science, Scripture & Salvation” which is produced by the Institute for Creation Research.