What evidence disproves deep geological time?
Why is Geological Deep Time a creative illusion?
How much time does Earth’s geology and life’s evolution need?
Where are the multiple erosion environments observed on Earth today between each sedimentary rock layer, e.g., river deltas, alluvial fans, storm deposits, deserts, earthquakes, volcanic activity, organic remnants?
How much time is really needed to deposit sedimentary rock layers covering continents and erode them away?
See easy-to-understand, current, exciting research, why new discoveries are confounding evolutionists and scientists around the world, and how historical mysteries confirm key biblical events that will strengthen your faith!
Bring the family, get the facts from an expert!
SPEAKER: Sal Giardina
BIO: Sal Giardina is an ordained Christian minister, holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering, an MS in Geology, is an Air Transport Pilot, a Ground School aircraft systems instructor for professional pilots, a Boeing Aircraft Flight Instructor, and author of “In The Beginning… God or Dirt?” This is the last chance Sal can present for us; he’s moving to North Carolina!
LOCATION: Christ’s Church of Tucson (Church with a steeple 1 block South of Golf Links & the El Rio Center, 1 block West of Kolb & 1 block East of Mann-Regulo)
MASKS POLICY: Lots of room for responsible distancing, masks are Shakespearean, as you like it.