
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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November 2018 Newsletter

November 1, 2018

AzOSA News


Board of Director Election Results

Active AzOSA members cast their ballots in October to determine the AzOSA Board of Directors for 2019. The results:

Michael Calcagno  B.S., Portland State University, Vice President of Gila Division, Creation speaker

Sal Giardina  B.S. Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Geology. Author of the book “In the Beginning … God or Dirt”, Creation speaker

Vern Hartz  B.S. Computer Science, B.S. Forestry, M.S. Forest Biometry (statistics), AzOSA Sales Vice President

Dr. Joseph Kezele
  B.A. Russian, M.D., University of Arizona, AzOSA President since 2005, Creation speaker, Associate Professor of Biology at Arizona Christian University, Logos Research Associate

Joe Sebeny  B.S. Physics, B.S. Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, M.S. Electrical Engineering; Co-founder of Pima Chapter of AZOSA. Vice President of Yavapai Division, Creation speaker

Scott Sorum  B.S. Finance, minor in Economics. Currently serves as board member for a local ministry, Child’s Wish Ministry

Mark Stockwell  BS Mechanical Engineering, BS Computer Engineering, currently High School Physics, STEM and Engineering Science teacher, Founder of Southern Arizona Origin Science Association in 2002, Vice President Pima Division

Jacen Wyke  B.S. Finance, B.A. Philosophy. English Teacher for Title I schools in Arizona

AZOSA Supports the Grand Canyon Movie Ministry

Consider that there are 6.5 million annual visitors to the Grand Canyon. Now consider each of these visitors being given (for free) the opportunity to watch a video that describes the Canyon geology as well as the scientific proof of its cataclysmic formation. Consider further this opportunity to share the Creator’s hand during the flood and His overarching plan of Salvation for all.
Creation Today Ministries is embarking on this movie ministry. AzOSA is committed to assisting with this project. To financially support this project AzOSA can be the conduit for your project donations. On the AzOSA website click on the Donate tab and scroll down to the Grand Canyon Movie Project. You can view the Grand Canyon Movie promotion video here. Enter your donation (via secure PayPal); AzOSA will then forward your contributions to Creation Today Ministry.

AzOSA Events


AzOSA Welcomes Dr. Chris William and Terry Mundy for November speaking events

BIO: Dr. Chris Williams was a National Merit Scholar, National Science Foundation Fellow and summa cum laude graduate of The Ohio State University, where he went on to earn a Ph.D. in Biochemistry.
Dr. Williams spent ten years developing and implementing laboratory software for the analysis of mass spectrometry data to detect genetic diseases in newborn children. His software has been used in numerous state and national newborn screening laboratories around the world to help screen millions of babies for these diseases. He is currently a full-time laboratory software consultant working in the area of cancer-related testing and treatment recommendations.

Dr. Williams has also invented a unique method for making safer, measurably less radioactive foods for mothers and children. These new types of food could prevent billions of genetic damage events that would normally occur over a person’s lifetime, particularly in critical brain and heart cells. Preventing this genetic damage could lead to reduced risks of cancer and birth defects, and may even slow the aging process. He has been awarded two U.S. patents and has founded a company to further develop and promote this technology.

BIO: Terry Mondy, MS Biology Purdue University, BS Biology Education U of IL. Mr. Mondy retired after 33 years as a science teacher in Wheeling, IL, was voted one of Illinois State’s 10 best science teachers, received his district’s Outstanding Contributions to Education Award, honored by the National Assn. of Biology Teachers as the Outstanding Biology Teacher in IL. He has published over 25 articles on Creation vs. Evolution, authored two biology-life science books, discovered a dinosaur along the Paluxy River (TX), engaged in a research project at Mount St. Helens, and now speaks nationwide on Creation Science topics.


The Third Dirty Little Secret of Evolution: Evolution provides no scientific explanation for the Origin of Life

November 12 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Calvary Community Church – Room C209, 12612 N Black Canyon Hwy
Phoenix, AZ 85029

More than 150 years ago Darwin first suggested that life might have spontaneously arisen in “some warm little pond”. Almost every week evolutionists claim that Mars or some other distant plant is likely to have evolved life. Yet after all this time, evolutionists still can provide no details about the first living cell on earth – how it originated from non-living chemicals by ordinary processes, what it was made of, and if and how it stored genetic information. Dr. Williams will be discussing the incredible complexity of even the simplest known living cells, as well as the numerous complications and barriers remaining to be addressed before evolutionists can claim to have even a remotely plausible explanation of how life evolved by unguided material processes. The presentation will conclude with time for questions and answers.
Speaker: Dr. Williams


The Fourth Dirty Little Secret of Evolution: Modern genetic discoveries do not back up the Evolutionary Tree of Life or the Descent of Man from Apes

November 13 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
First Baptist Church of Tempe, 4525 South McClintock Drive
Tempe, AZ 85282

Speaker: Dr. Williams


A Look at Radiometric Dating

Thursday November 15, 2018 7:00 – 8:30 PM

The Journey – First Evangelical Free Church
4700 N Swan Rd, Tucson (E. side of Swan, between River & Sunrise)

What evidence is there for a young Earth?
How do 21st century scientists determine the age of rocks?
How is carbon dating used? How are rocks with fossils in them dated?
How do we know the true age of the Earth? What problems are there with current dating methods?
Why do scientists disagree about the ages of rocks, life form remnants, and more?
See how and why new discoveries are confounding so many evolutionists and scientists around the world.
Bring the family; get the facts from an expert!
Speaker: Terry Mundy


The Fourth Dirty Little Secret of Evolution: Modern genetic discoveries do not back up the Evolutionary Tree of Life or the Descent of Man from Apes

November 29 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Lake Havasu SDA Church, 3130 Chemehuevi Blvd
Lake Havasu City, AZ

It seems that every few weeks the media announces yet another alleged genetic discovery proving that humans and all forms of life evolved over billions of years from the original primordial cells. Dr. Williams will be examining the actual genetic evidence concerning the claims involving “Junk DNA”, the evolutionary “Tree of Life”, and the “99% Genetic Similarity between Humans and Apes”. He will also explain and illustrate the massive amount of genetic information present in even a single human cell, and how incredibly unlikely it is for random unguided processes to generate even the tiniest bits of that information. The presentation will conclude with time for questions and answers.
Speaker: Dr. Williams

Gift Suggestion

Grand Canyon: A Different View

Whether gaping at the huge chasm in the earth from the rim, or navigating the waters of the Colorado River below, visitors to the Grand Canyon see a perspective that words can’t describe. Can’t make a trip to the Grand Canyon? Visit this marvelous site yourself, through the pages of photographs and essays in this book, and think about your own perspective. It’s a trip you’ll be glad you took.

Author and Editor: Tom Vail, a Canyon guide for over 30 years
Available from the AzOSA web site for $17.00 + postage

You can add to your experience with the DVD, The Message of the Grand Canyon: Does it Support God’s Word? This AzOSA produced product features Tom Vail presenting the scientific evidence that supports a young earth interpretation of the Grand Canyon.

Available from the AzOSA web site for $13.00 + postage

Purchase the book and DVD together for a special rate of $25.00.
This offer available through December 31, 2018.

96 pages 10 X 8 Hardcover