
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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October 2018 Newsletter

October 1, 2018

AzOSA News


Board of Director Elections

This is advance notice to all AzOSA members that this year’s Board of Directors election will be conducted by email ballots. As a reminder, only active AzOSA members with dues current are eligible to vote. Newsletter subscribers are encouraged to seek membership. You can do so by opening the “Join Us” section of the website and follow directions for completing the application. Forward application and applicable dues to the address provided.

Ballot transmission is October 15; return of ballots is due by midnight October 25.Candidate information will be offered and there will be space for write-in candidates. The number of votes necessary for a candidate to be elected will be given.

Validation of ballots by email will be done by sending back the ballot to the person voting.

Election results will be available three days after the deadline, and will be announced in the November Newsletter.

Dr. Kezele serves on State’s science curriculum committee

Arizona Superintendent Diane Douglas asked AzOSA President Dr. Joseph Kezele to serve on a committee tasked with revising the state’s science curriculum standards on evolution. Attached is a link to view the New Times article regarding this committee.

AZOSA Supports the Grand Canyon Movie Ministry

Consider that there are 6.5 million annual visitors to the Grand Canyon. Now consider each of these visitors being given (for free) the opportunity to watch a video that describes the Canyon geology as well as the scientific proof of its cataclysmic formation. Consider further this opportunity to share the Creator’s hand during the flood and His overarching plan of Salvation for all.
Creation Today Ministries is embarking on this movie ministry. AzOSA is committed to assisting with this project. To financially support this project AzOSA can be the conduit for your project donations. On the AzOSA website click on the Donate tab and scroll down to the Grand Canyon Movie Project. You can view the Grand Canyon Movie promotion video here. Enter your donation (via secure PayPal); AzOSA will then forward your contributions to Creation Today Ministry.

AzOSA Events


AzOSA Welcomes Dr. Russell Humphreys for October speaking events

Dr. Russell Humphreys is a retired physicist who researches, speaks, and writes about creation science, and has done so for the Institute for Creation Research and Creation Ministries International.

He holds a B.S. in physics from Duke University, and a Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University.

He worked at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as a physicist, doing nuclear physics and geoscience research. He has published dozens of professional articles, received three U.S. patents, two Industrial Research magazine IR-100 awards, and several Sandia National Laboratories Awards for Excellence.

Although raised as an atheist, he received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior as a grad student in physics. A few years later, strong scientific evidence convinced him that the alleged billion-year “geologic ages” are fictional and that instead God created the world about 6,000 years ago.

His main research interest is the age of the world, including magnetic fields in the Solar System, salt in the ocean, nuclear decay dating, and cosmology. He has published many technical articles in creationist scientific journals, is a board member of the Creation Research Society, and an internationally known seminar speaker. He is the author of a popular book on creationist cosmology, Starlight and Time, a co-author of Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, and a recent book, Earth’s Mysterious Magnetism, and that of other celestial orbs.


God’s Big Magnets in the Sky

October 15 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Palmcroft Baptist Church – Phoenix, 15825 North 35th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85053

A biblically-based visual model of how Einstein’s gravity equations work, published in the Journal of Creation, December 2014. Without the equations!


New View of Gravity Helps Creation Cosmology

October 16 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
First Baptist Church of Tempe, 4525 South McClintock Drive
Tempe, AZ 85282

A tour through magnetic fields in the Solar System, many of which were predicted in a 1984 paper of Dr. Humphreys in the Creation Research Society Quarterly. Includes new data from Mercury in 2012.


New View of Gravity is Pro-Creation

October 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
The Journey, 4700 N. Swan Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85718

What does gravity have to do with starlight and time? How can we see distant starlight and galaxies without billions of years? What is gravitational time dilation and how can we understand it? What is the Time-Space-Continuum? What about the cosmic microwave background radiation? See dramatic computer animations that help show how the creation of the cosmos affected time here on earth! This subject ranks highest among reasons people doubt Genesis – Get straight answers here from world famous cosmologist, Dr. Russ Humphreys!
See how and why new discoveries astonish so many evolutionists and scientists around the world.


Evidence for a Young World – Two Presentations:

This presentation showcases 14 items of simple scientific evidence that show the world is only thousands, not billions of years old, proving once again that the Bible’s account of our origins is scientifically valid and that God’s Word can be trusted entirely!

October 23 @ 7:00 pm
Payson Public Library, 328 N Mc Lane Road
Payson, AZ 85541

October 25 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Lake Havasu SDA Church, 3130 Chemehuevi Blvd
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406


Save the Date

November 2018


The Third Dirty Little Secret of Evolution: Evolution provides no scientific explanation for the Origin of Life

November 12 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Palmcroft Baptist Church – Phoenix, 15825 North 35th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85053


The Fourth Dirty Little Secret of Evolution: Modern genetic discoveries do not back up the Evolutionary Tree of Life or the Descent of Man from Apes

November 13 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
First Baptist Church of Tempe, 4525 South McClintock Drive
Tempe, AZ 85282