
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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AzOSA Ministers to Mexican Orphanage

January 27, 2011

There’s something about dinosaurs that captivates school kids. AzOSA experts excited the classroom at Casa de Timoteo orphanage last December 18 with an unforgettable show. Visiting the kids in the small town of Imuris, Sonora, Mexico, 45 miles south of Nogales, Dr. Joseph Kezele (AzOSA President), Patty Kezele, Jim Clarke (AzOSA Resident Geologist) and Terri Clarke intrigued their young audience with origin science and Bible truths.

Dr. Kezele and Jim Clarke presented the truth of God’s word and the evidence for creation. Dr. Kezele gave a Power Point presentation in Spanish on creation and dinosaurs (los dinosaurios)! Jim Clarke brought some of his fossil collection and let the kids actually see and touch actual fossils. Eight copies of “The Lie” (en Español) were donated by an AzOSA member to the orphanage for its middle school program.

Mexican Orphanage One